Fuel a Safer World
At MFG, we prioritise the health and safety of our employees, suppliers, contract managers and customers.
We have a strong health and safety culture, together with management systems that drive continuous improvement. To support this endeavour, we’ve set safety KPIs that are linked to performance related pay for our operational staff.
Our focus SDGs

How we manage health and safety
Identifying potential risks and hazards is the first step to preventing incidents or accidents from happening. As a business that handles volatile and potentially dangerous substances, we’re acutely aware of our responsibility to keep our operations as safe as possible.
MFG operates an integrated Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management System, which sets out comprehensive policies, procedures and safe systems of work for our employees to follow.
Our contract managers are also required to follow an HSE Management System that aligns with our own procedures. The system covers all aspects of running a petrol forecourt station business, including daily and weekly checks, and risk assessments for shops, forecourts and manual handling activities, which are reviewed yearly. Each site is also subject to a Fire and DSEAR risk assessment which is undertaken as a minimum every three years.
Our health and safety risks
We have identified all of the major H&S risks in MFG’s daily operations. All are covered by risk assessments and safe systems of work undertaken as part of our Integrated HSE Management System.
Training our staff
We do all we can to ensure our staff understand their responsibilities around keeping themselves and others from harm. All new joiners receive H&S induction training, when they’re introduced to the company management systems, as well as the risks and challenges specific to the fuel retail industry. Our field-based staff follow a tailored ongoing H&S training plan.
We communicate our policies and procedures clearly and directly through our own HR platform, and employees are required to sign up to them. The HSE team also produces update bulletins that are shared with employees, contract managers and contractors.
Contract manager and contractor safety
All prospective new contract managers (CMs) attend a four-day Forecourt Operator Course, where they gain a thorough grounding in the H&S risks associated with operating a petrol forecourt station, and how to manage them effectively. Following this, we provide regular coaching and access to e-learning. CMs are responsible for cascading the training they receive to their own employees through a structured induction programme, the content of which we provide.
We have an approved supplier list for contractors undertaking development, maintenance or repair works at our assets. To become an approved supplier, contractors must evidence their own H&S policies, insurances, risk assessments, method statements and qualifications. Any major works require further approval before they can start. This process is followed up by unannounced audits carried out by external safety consultants.
How we manage incidents and accidents
MFG has defined policies and procedures for reporting and investigating incidents and accidents. Our web-based reporting tool enables staff or contract managers to report all incidents, creating an automated document trail of follow-up actions. If an incident results in an investigation, we require the investigating individual to make recommendations to prevent recurrence. Any reported incident remains open until all recommended actions have been completed.
Emergency preparedness
We have clear unplanned emergency procedures in place to enable us to respond to a serious incident or accident, with clearly detailed actions and lines of communication. These procedures are incorporated into our H&S training and each site is equipped with an emergency response pack. CMs are required to provide practical fire and safety training to their on-site staff which is supplemented by online fire and safety training.
Promoting health and wellbeing
We continually look for ways to enhance the health and wellbeing of our workforce, prevent health issues, and support our staff with disability and long-term sickness.
All employees are offered private medical insurance which includes mental health cover, and are entitled to discretionary company sick pay. We provide access to counsellors and specialist advice via a confidential telephone service which is available round the clock. In addition to health and wellbeing issues, the service provides information on personal, legal and financial matters. We also offer access to a Wellbeing Centre where staff can find education, support and tools.
87% of staff agree that MFG supports their wellbeing
(March 2021)
Mental health focus
We understand how mental health can impact the wellbeing, safety and productivity of our employees. The Covid-19 pandemic brought this issue into greater focus, as we looked to support our staff during these difficult times. In addition to our four trained mental health first aiders, we introduced quarterly check-ins with every employee – a practise that will continue. We also offered online training courses and workshops, published monthly news bulletins, and arranged online get-togethers to keep our staff informed and connected. From 2021 specific mental health training was offered to all line managers.